Frequently Asked Questions

The Crystal Marketplace

Crystal Basics

The Marketplace offers two ways to receive the product. The first is by post and the other is 'pick up at a meet up' For our 'by post' service our offer is similar to other providers but our 'pick up at a meet up' is a market leading offer and customers who use this facility receive an exceptional deal. As a result it is important to understand how this works.

Pick up at a meet up is an offer specific to the marketplace Buyers need to be in a one of our Whatsapp groups. We have a number of these including one specifically liknked to this site. These groups run events and talks connected with recognising and understanding crystals.

All orders are agreed on Whatsapp Telegram and paid for by a bank to bank transfer. In order to place an order the crystals needed must be detailed in a Whatsapp message. The cost is 50p a crystal. We will provide the required bank account deatils and payment is made. The crystals will then be brought to a pblic meetup.

Public Meetups

The public meetups are held in various places but many happen in the Croydon area. Meetings are generally held in public venues but may sometimes be in members' homes. Some meetups are run by local groups.

Once you are in the network of groups you can be provided with information about any group. You can simply ask in the group that you are in and the admin will provide answers.

By joining a group you will receive not only exceptionally low proces but also other member benefits. This includes invitations to talks and information about new products that become available.


Crystals are associated with particular times of year. These are associated with astrological signs. The mooons are also associated with these signs and as a result can be connected with crystals that are connected with the full moon.

There are 12 correspondences that are commonly used. These are Flint(Aries), Onyx(Taurus), Red Jasper(Gemini), Sapphire(Cancer), Turquoise(Leo), Agate(Virgo), Lapis Lazuli(Libra), Amber(Scorpio), Amethyst(Saggitarius), Emerald(Aquarius), Topaz(Capricorn), Carnelian(Pisces).

These correspondences are based on the oldest correspondences that are available. It is assuemd that these correspondences devloped in Egypt in the period after the shift of the capital from Giza to Thebes in around 2000BCE. The selection may have been influenced by contacts between Babylon and Egypt. These are understood to have been formalised by the reign of Akhenaten in 1350 BCE. They were then used in Judaism in Aaron's Breastplate and from there enter the written record. This history is highly speculative as is the choice of crystals from the written record. It is, however, the best available and preferable to the use of correspondences provided by gemmological organisations as these are modern in origin and ascribed to calendar months rather than to astrological signs and moons.

Crystal training

We offer training in crystal recognition. Our training offers you the chance to learn how to recognise common crystals.

The training dates will be announced in the Whatsa[[ groups

Normally, yes, anyone who is a Whatsapp/Telegram group member can join.
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